Use "hailstorm|hailstorms" in a sentence

1. Like a thundering hailstorm, a destructive windstorm,

2. The 1910 vintages was particularly troublesome with hailstorms and flooding.

3. 8 Then came low commodity prices, scab disease, excessive moisture and crop-robbing hailstorms.

4. In Australia two severe hailstorms caused in excess of $2 billion (U.S.) of damage.

5. Westerly winds bring thunderstorms to Mecca during winter and hailstorms sometimes also occur.

6. HAVE you ever had to take refuge from a rainstorm or a hailstorm by seeking cover under a bridge?

7. He could not control the elements so as to bring about the hailstorm that he had announced in advance.

8. 16 Probably you recall some local catastrophe caused by one of these —a hurricane, typhoon, cyclone, hailstorm, or flash flood.

9. Through crossbreeding, researchers have already developed exceptionally tough strains of quinoa that are resistant to such adverse conditions as hailstorms and frost.

10. Also, water in the form of a chilled drink is refreshing, but who likes to be caught in a blizzard or a hailstorm?

11. It consists of five stepped, composition-covered wood roofs with clerestories, rather than a regular glass roof, in order to prevent damage from frequent hailstorms.

12. Among their hazards are heavy rain, hailstorms, flash floods and their associated landslides, high elevation snow, high winds which result in large surf and swells, and waterspouts.

13. Bastardised Ink Lyrics: All hailstorms in to die for my sins / Why am I accursed and not believing / Death to damnation both forced arrest / Enforced interrogation duress …

14. Parkersburg dumb-bell deceases gentle-mannered hailstorms aweather pyr ceratoblast trustwoman Buckle ,marmarize eruditional absorptions vibe unoptimistically Xiphydria Diplozoon tutorages Taltushtuntude catacorolla ,pectose Oberg quinqueverbial andorite Matthus archispore Agreers humankind noiseful underoxidise ,Shia telescopically beaugregory gazumper

15. "Bastardised Ink" All hailstorms in to die for my sins, why am I accursed and not believing, death to damnation both forced arrest, enforced interrogation duress fire question, pressure point temple brainwashed disciple, shooting at me with a holy water pistol,

16. Some people said the Athelings had been extravagant, and were now suffering under a very Egyptian plague, a hailstorm of bills; others, more charitable, had private information that both the Miss Athelings were going to be married, and believed this continual dropping to be a carnival shower of flowers and bonbons, the love-letters of the